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Local Government

You and REP

•  Local Community

•  Landowners

> Local Government

•  Local Business

•  Electricity Customers

•  Specific Interest    Organisations


It is REP’s objective to develop projects desired by the local authority as solutions to renewable energy implementation in their area.

Through early consultation with local government REP aim to develop projects that are in line with strategic development plans and local aspirations.

REP try to present options wherever possible so that local government can exercise choice over what type of projects best suit their region: a number of small projects or a few larger projects; remote projects in rural settings or nearby projects possibly on brownfield sites.

The best renewable energy solutions require the technical knowledge of what is feasible and local knowledge of what is acceptable and desired. REP form partnerships with local authorities to implement renewable energy projects that local communities desire.

Partnerships can be the close consultation on REP project developments or REP working specifically for the council to present develop and implement a renewable energy plan that the council supports.

Please contact us to discuss how we can assist with sustainable development objectives in your local authority.